Display star rating for each product in the product list

  1. Go to admin page > Sales channels > Online store > Themes.

  1. Select the theme you want to display the Review widget > Edit code.

  1. In theme editor, open file Snippets/card-product.liquid

  1. Add code to the file Snippets/card-product.liquid

Copy the code below:

<div class="rh-rv-prod-featured" data-id="{{ card_product.id }}" data-avg-rating="{{ card_product.metafields.ratifyhub.widget.avg }}" data-total-rating="{{ card_product.metafields.ratifyhub.widget.total }}"></div>

Find the line with the same or similar code: {% render 'price', product: card_product, price_class: '' %} and paste the copied code above it.

  1. Save the changes.

  1. Go to customize theme.

  1. Select App embed > Enable "Review app code" > Save

  1. The results.

Last updated